Between the layers there was 21 hours to do other things like eating, sleeping, gardening and visiting my regular supplier "De Bootbouwer" .
This chandlery is interestingly enough situated in farming country, quite a distance from serious water.
I went there to buy a pair of oars. My initial plan was to build the oars myself but the price of these Finnish built oars was competitive enough to change my mind.
There was only one problem, the diameter of the oars is 45 mm while the folding rowlocks I bought a few months ago can accept a max of 40 mm.
Luckily I had bought these folding rowlocks also at De Bootbouwer so I could trade them for a set of "crutches" and sockets. I also acquired a tufnol sheave for the halyard.

Finally I bought some length of half-round strip to protect keel.
Still to buy is the rudder gear. I investigated a few possiblitie s but I am not sure yet what to buy.
That will be decided in a later stage.
Next time I can go up North I will paint the rest of the hull. Again three coats so at least 2 1/2 days. No shortcut possible.
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