At last I ripped the white pine into the necessary a bit oversized strips to glue the mast, boom and yard.

Luckily I stiil had the piece I cut from the yard to make it the wrong length. With two butt joints I think I have safely solved the issue.
After gluing the yard I trimmed the sides on the table saw. Next I made a 38 mm cirkel with a compass. On the table saw with the blade at 45 degr. I cut all sides to this cirkel what resulted in a 8 sided yard. Next step will be a plane and some elbow grease to get it near round.
The boom is also glued from two pieces to get the thickness. As the boow will remain square I only need to cut the boom to the right size and round of the edges on the rouiter table.

I did not glue all three layers in one go as this is a slippery operation and I have better control with only two layers. As always: You cannot have enough clamps.
A short update on the off topic motor hatch. I used the router to make a grove in the short sides of the teak.
After that I started filling the groves with blackened epoxy. This again is a somewhat messy operation. As I have to sand at least 1 mm from the teak to make it flush it should not be a problem.
I did miscalculate the amount of epoxy needed so I ran out of supply after half the groves done. An order for extra supplies is sent out right away. With a bit of luck I can continue on Saturday. Temperature permitting of course. Spring is not there yet!
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