Of course there were again other priorities like going to the gym and getting a haircut. But also the red cedar wanted to show it was "living material". When I put the first sheer on the molds I saw a minimal irregularity in the wood. Nothing to panic until I bent it very slowly to the stem and just at the end it broke.
Consequently I had again to rip a board and plane it to the right thickness.
This time the sheer could be fastened to the molds in the right way.
That was not yet the end of the misery. I had screwed the second sheer to the first stem and wanted to prepare the it for the second stem. But alas, there was a lot of tension on the sheer and one of the clamps fell of resulting in a chain reaction at the other clamps. The first screw could not hold this "explosion" and the sheer did split at that point. Back to the old saw and plainer to make again another sheer.
Luckily that was the end of the disaster. The second sheer went on well.

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