This morning I used my mold and the tick stick to scribe the contour of the thwart. After cutting with the jig saw and some refining it did fit well.

To make the thwart look smarter I glued pieces of mahogany to the front and aft side of the thwart.
I did not use clamps but crews to position the mahogany and get it tight.
Tomorrow we will see of my plan really works.
The thwart is on the critical path. I need to test fit the thwart to be able to finalize the right shape and position of the site seats.
And the site seats have to be in place to be able to scribe the inner part of the aft seat.

To spend my time somewhat usefull I took the mylar full size drawing of the rudder, placed it on the remaining red cedar stock and punched the contour on the wood. The stock is slightly to narrow so I will modify the rudder a little bit.

The rudder is designed with a movable blade.
As I won't beach a boat in our environment I will make it in one piece.
The first cut looks the right way.
The cheeks of the rudder should be 12 mm plywood according to Arch his drawing. I will make them of my remaining pieces of mahogany.
Enough done for the day. Tomorrow when the epoxy has cured I will try to finish the thwart and do the test fit. Maybe the other seats will be finalized to.
That thwart is going to look nice with the mahogany edgings!