Monday, July 23, 2012

Flotation bottoms

Today I went up to the North for one day to get some stuff for the new house and to do some work on the boat.

I did make the bottom pieces for the flotation chambers from 3 mm normal ply.  Not the marine version.  Do not think that is necessary.

After quite some adjusting they did fit reasonably well. You cannot get a very tight fit because you would not be able to get them in. At least I couldn't.

The flotation bottoms are not in Arch' drawings.  While cutting the first piece of styrofoam I had noticed it was rather crumbly stuff. Also one of the Followers of this blog mailed me his experience with styrofoam flotaton material in Optimist sailing dinghies. So making the bottoms would be a solution.

I epoxied both sides of the bottoms. That should be sufficient but maybe I wil add another layer to be on the safe side.

Further plan was to sand the inside parts to be varnished like the sheerstrake and the seat beams. However it was relatively hot outside and the sun was sorcing the black roof of the shed so the working conditions were not good at all and I decided to call it a day and drive the 90 minutes back to the new house and take a nice bottle of chilled white wine with the missus.

Don't know when I am able to continue working on the Peapod.

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