Wednesday, July 11, 2012

More epoxy....

Arrived back in the North Monday afternoon. Applied two layers of pure epoxy almost wet-on-wet or better formulated wet-on-sticky. Now these layers have to cure for 48 hours before fine (200+) sanding and putting on the paint or varnish.

The seats also have to get at least a double layer of clear epoxy on the underside.

The top side will be done when the seats are screwed in and the screwholes are bunged.

Of course I have not been careful enough with epoxy so some dripping due to gravity to the other side of he seat.  Nothing some scraping and sanding won't solve but extra work.

I made some of the flotation from styrofoam insulation plates.

As this styrofoam is a bit brittle I don't like the exposed undersides. The styrofoam is just supported by cleats on the seat beams.

Maybe I will put a thin plywood underneath.

Of course more sealing of seat parts to do but I ran out of a good brush and mohair roller.

When doing a second layer " wet-on-sticky" it is quite difficult to see where you have been.  Maybe it is therefore better to let it dry subsequently sand lightly to make it more visible.

1 comment:

  1. A good way to handle those Styrofoam flotation pieces is to 'package' them in a thin Nylon (or similar) fabric. Otherwise, as you correctly observe,they will crumble.
    Gives the wife a job too ;-)
