Back at my shed for 3 days. Of course first the grass had to be cut.
After that I did sand the inside of the boat that I wanted to paint. I decided that the sheerstrake, seat beams and daggerboard case would be varnished.
For both I use Polyservice DD lak. This is a polyurethane 2-components lacquer.
The painting part is done in off-white. After mixing the components it has to stay for 30 minutes. Almost like baking bread.
I did the painting with a brush to be able to get at the difficult parts around the stems.
It is a bit back breaking excercise to get to the bottom of the boat.
Of course I had only mixed enough paint for 90 % of the job so remixing and 30 minutes waiting.......
I am not very satisfied with the results. It was difficult to get a good even spread of the thin paint and later I found the paint was "sacking" (combination of too much paint and gravity) at several spots what could not be corrected as the paint was already drying. Surely the outside will be done with a paint roller.
Tomorrow the second layer and next week maybe a third one. Wait and see.
I had planned to cut the ply "bottoms" for the flotation but found out I had left my jig saw at the new house. So enough time to do other things.
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