The name will be Frisian and is inspired by the Little Captain that stayed with us the last two days. (including his parents and baby sister)
You can imagine him saying "Yo no soy marinero, soy capitán" if his Spanish would be better....
The name I intend to give to the boat is Pakesizzer.
Pake is Grandfather in Frysian and a Pakesizzer is someone who calls you Pake.
This complicated way of reasoning implies someone who is the grandchild of a grandfather.

These badges will be glued on the sheerstrake against the bow stem.
I did glue the first floorboard using 5 min epoxy for positioning and instant fixing.
The process did not gave the result I had anticipated. We will see tomorrow when the glue has cured.
Nice name, we are not disappointed! (it was easier than I thought to get you to reveal it....)