Friday, May 4, 2012

A whole lot of gluing

This morning I went with son-in-law and grandson to "de Bootbouwer"  ( ) a shop I mentioned before in this blog to do boy-things.

Among other things I bought folding rowlocks for the Peapod.  As the boat is mainly for sailing these were a good solution and also a good deal.

As expected my son-in-law was a very good help with gluing the sheerstrake moldings on. We positioned and clamped them only with 1 mm nails.

Arch Davis always puts a plywood decorative badge on the sheerstrake at bow and stern.  My plan is to put the only at the bow and use them as nameplate.

So I used a Dremel type of router to make the first one.  The end result was mediocre.  My son-in-law decided he could do it better by carving. I don't have carving chisels so he did it with straight chisels and also improved my badge.

You may want to know the name of the boat but that will be disclosed later.

Finally the oar lock and the daggerboard trunk were glued in the boat.  The trunk of course received an overdose of epoxy to be sure there will be no leakage.

Maybe tomorrow the floorboards will be put in followed by ..?...     Cleaning of course.

1 comment:

  1. We certainly want to know the name of the boat and trust it will be someting Frisian (but knowing you, that is assured!)
